Tuesday, 10 May 2011

evaluation question 8

Our preliminary task was to re-create a small part of a film created by previous students at the college.

In this task we experienced issues with eyeline match, which we tried to address in our main piece. We feel that this was not a problem the second time around.

evaluation question 6

Our product might be distributed by a small independent company, such as Coffee Films, because these sorts of companies help new talent to get their material seen.

evaluation question 5

We used questionnaires to discover what other students thought of our piece. We found that our film appealled to both genders but that females felt it represented their gender negatively. Males liked it and did not recognise the negative stereotype of females.

Thursday, 31 March 2011

Evaluation Pt 2, Question 7 - Daniel Greatorex

To construct this product we used various technologies such as iMovie and Garageband. We used iMovie to make the video for our product. It allowed us to organise the shots to the desired order and also let us split shots for a shot-reverse shot effect. We also used it to put the titles in. 

We used Garageband to make the sound for our film, including music and sound effects. 

The internet site Blogger is used to present our work.

IMovie allowed us to be more creative as we used the effects to put in the titles. Another use of the effects was to make the transition between the shot when the female is at her front door and when she finds herself trapped in the killer’s realm. We used the slow and fade effect to show that something had happened, rather than just a jump from one place to another.

IMovie gave us more control as it meant that we could shoot more material than we needed and only use what was necessary, giving us the option to choose shots which fitted better with others. Also we did not necessarily have to shoot everything in the correct order, we could organise it later as we wished. Also we did not have to wait until it was dark to shoot, as it is possible to darken the video.

Garageband gave us more control as we did not have to rely on the sound from the camera. We could shoot the video and make the soundtrack later. This meant that if we found that the sound was not up to scratch then we could put in sound effects to improve it, or record our own sounds to use, such as whispering.

Friday, 18 March 2011

Construction - Shot List plus Changes

We made a shot list so that whilst filming we could make sure we got the material we needed, and didn't leave anything out. This also made it easier to organise our time by splitting the piece up into small parts, instead of thinking of it as a whole.